The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Mutual Fund Investment

  • 24 Aug 2024
Mutual Fund Investment

Mutual fund investment has grown in popularity as a profitable financial strategy. Mutual funds diversify investments and can yield high returns. 

Mutual fund investment can occasionally be challenging due to their variety of sorts. This is particularly valid for individuals who are novices in the field of finance.

This blog serves as a guide to mutual fund for beginners. You will know the mutual fund basics after reading further.

What are Mutual Funds in India ?

Mutual fund is an investment vehicle. It enables investors to pool their funds for the purpose of investing bonds or stock. 

Each investor gets a share of the mutual fund through owning shares, thus achieving diversification without buying individual securities directly. 

In India, Asset Management Companies (AMCs) manage mutual funds. They are professional organizations.

Mutual fund industry in India has shown impressive results. In just ten years, the AUM of the Indian mutual fund industry has increased more than six times, from ₹9.75 trillion on June 30, 2014, to ₹61.16 trillion on June 30, 2024. 

How to invest in Mutual Funds

The best way to create long term wealth is investing in mutual fund. However, before any mutual fund investment, ensure you are well prepared and understand the requirements.

1. Establish Your Budget Objectives

Establishing your financial goals is the first and most important step. Choose if you are investing for a house, your child's education, retirement, or just to accumulate wealth. 

Well defined financial objective helps in choosing the right mutual fund. This will help you to decide the best mutual fund scheme which suits your investment goal.

2. Access  and Choose the Right Funds

Different mutual fund categories have varying levels of risk and differ in the returns they can provide. 

This stage requires you to look for the funds that most closely match your needs. You must determine your risk profile in order to achieve this. 

3. A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)/ Lump Sum Investment

You can either make one-time investments in mutual funds or engage in Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). 

Lump sum investment means putting down all the money at once. While with SIP you invest a fixed amount every month. 

4. Track and assess your investment.

Investing in mutual funds demands vigilance. Regularly assess your fund performance to align assets with financial goals and risk tolerance. 

Markets shift, altering asset allocation over time. Stay proactive: monitor, evaluate, and rebalance your portfolio. This ensures you maintain proper asset distribution and manage risk effectively. 

Taxation of Mutual Funds

Capital gains are the profits made from investing in mutual funds. Taxes apply to these capital gains. 

You must also understand taxation aspects of mutual funds before investing in it. Additionally, there are situations in which you can claim tax deductions.

Besides capital gains and income taxes, there is a tax called the Securities Transaction Tax (STT). 

The Ministry of Finance charges a 0.001% STT. It applies when you buy or sell units of an equity or hybrid equity fund. Selling of debt fund units is not subject to STT.

Tips for Beginners

For beginners, investing in mutual funds might be a great way to start to build income. 

  • Start Early

One important strategy for improving your long-term financial results while investing in mutual funds is to start early. 

  • Diversify 

To manage risk, one must diversify. Invest in different mutual fund types to spread your risk among several asset groups.

  • Invest Often 

Consider starting a systematic investment plan (SIP). With an SIP, you invest a set amount regularly. Also requiring discipline, this approach mitigates the impact of market volatility. One can use a mutual fund calculator to keep track and calculate approx returns. 

  • Remain Up to Date 

Learn as much as you can about financial markets and mutual funds. Go to seminars, study publications, and think about talking with a fund manager

  • Have Patience 

Mutual fund investing is a long-term approach. Remain calm and avoid making rapid choices.

  • Pursuing Past Performance 

Don't choose mutual funds based only on their past performance. A fund that has historically done well might not do so going forward.

  • Ignoring Expenses 

Watch for the mutual fund's expenses, like the expense ratio and sales charges. Over time, high costs can reduce your returns.

  • Risk Management 

Too little diversification leads to higher risk. This happens if all your money is in a single mutual fund or asset class. Diversified investment helps lower risk and increase potential profits.

  • Lack of a Plan 

Investing can result in bad decisions if there is no clear plan or set of objectives. Establish and adhere to a sound investing plan.

  • Panic Selling 

Investing involves some level of market volatility. During market downturns, avoid panic selling. It might lock in losses and ruin your long-term investing plan.

  • Conclusion

Mutual Funds Investment operates by pooling investor capital. The funds are allocated among various mutual fund categories. The mutual funds benefits include availability, skilled management, and variety.

One should take into account investment objectives to make a wise decision.Be aware of the fund’s features and risk tolerance level. Investors can invest in mutual funds strategically. All the investors need to do is understand how mutual funds work and acknowledge these factors as well.