Inactive Mutual Fund Clients : How To Reconnect With Them

  • 14 Jun 2024
 Mutual Fund Distribution Business

Do you have clients who are inactive and want to win them back? To do this, you will require a systematic approach . 

There are several ways to go about it. You can hold portfolio reviews, conduct webinars and can conduct meet-and-greet events.

In this blog, we'll talk more about how you can reconnect with inactive clients and grow your mutual fund distribution business.

Ways to reconnect with inactive clients
1. Organize a portfolio review meeting

As a distributor, you can offer portfolio reviews. You can call/text or email them to set up a portfolio review meeting. In that meeting, you can show them a quick overview of their investments with mutual fund portfolio tracker tools.

You can also highlight underperforming investments and suggest rebalancing if required. This will help improve their overall portfolio performance and regain their trust in your capabilities. 

2. Leverage tools

Using digital tools is key. They improve client engagement and operational efficiency. This is true for the mutual fund distribution business. You can completely change how you communicate with clients.

First, you can start by informing them about your mobile app and how it will benefit them by regulating and tracking their portfolio in real-time. Apps can increase client satisfaction and transparency. It will also help them stay involved and confident in their mutual fund choices.

Then you can send a newsletter via automated emails sharing your views on the latest happenings. Then connect with them on social media apps and tell them to follow you for more posts and information on mutual fund investment. 

Make efficient use of broadcast lists and community on WhatsApp. Forward them important investment tips. Also, don't spam them with emails and messages as it might irritate clients.

As a result, client satisfaction may increase and operations may be improved. As a result, you might be able to stand out in a crowded market. Additionally, it establishes you as an industry leader.

3. Conduct educational webinars

One of the best ways to activate inactive mutual fund clients is to conduct free educational sessions. This can be online webinars or offline sessions. Drop them an email/text or call them informing them about the same.

Put in the effort to make it engaging through quizzes, other interactive activities, and the distribution of resource materials so that a large number of participants interact during the session. 

You can share a survey questionnaire to understand their needs and problem areas that you can follow up on after the session.

In this way, you are not only reconnecting with your old clients but also making them aware of mutual funds and other important updates. 

4. Meet and Greet Events

When clients' portfolios remain unchanged for an extended period, it's a great opportunity to engage them through events like meet-and-greet sessions or client appreciation gatherings. 

These initiatives help strengthen relationships and encourage active involvement in their financial planning.

You could invite your clients to attend these events or send out invites via email. You could also send reminder emails or phone calls to remind them of these events. In addition to this, you can also invite a guest speaker to help clients get more knowledge about financial space.

These events will help to create a better understanding of the client's goals, objectives and financial situation. They can also help to create a more personal connection with the client. Additionally, such events can help to increase client loyalty.

5. Conduct client surveys

There's a lot of reliance on client surveys in the mutual fund distribution industry. They help clients find what they're looking for. Ask clients about satisfaction, inactivity and improvement ideas.

Surveys can also be anonymous. By asking specific questions, you can improve your services. Based on client input, you can quickly fix client problems.

It's easy to plan a mutual fund investment strategy with these surveys. Furthermore, it shows you're responsive and client-focused. With survey data, you can improve services and offer relevant options.


Re-establishing contact with inactive mutual fund clients requires a methodical and thorough approach. You can re-engage inactive clients and grow your mutual fund distribution business.

You can do this with portfolio reviews, webinars and meet and greet events. It is important to improve communication with clients and to conduct client surveys. If you haven't been in contact with a client for a long time, you can use these tips to get back their trust and attention.