Earn Extra Income: Become a Successful Mutual Fund Distributor

  • 10 Sep 2024
mutual fund distributor

Are you looking for a part-time income source that will also help you to make meaningful changes in people's lives? Well, then being a mutual fund distributor will be the correct choice.

In this blog, we will talk about how to become a successful mutual fund distributor and also how this will help you earn extra income.


Who are mutual fund distributors? 

Mutual fund distributors act as a bridge between the investors and mutual fund houses. They help individuals with their mutual fund investment journey.  If you want to be an MFD, you must know the various types of fund schemes and recommend the best mutual fund scheme to your clients as per their financial goals and risk tolerance. 

As a mutual fund distributor, you will earn a commission, called Trail Commission, on the mutual funds that you distribute. This is a type of continuous commission and is paid to you for managing clients' investment portfolios.

If the client keeps the investment, it is normally paid regularly. Typically, the trail commission is a proportion of the total assets.

The trial commission usually depends on the portfolio's market value. This encourages the mutual fund distributor to act in their client's best interests. Mutual fund distributors can earn more commission by building a strong business. This would be on top of their regular income.


How to earn Extra Income from Mutual Fund Distribution Business

A successful mutual fund distribution business needs three things. It needs industry knowledge, strong client relationships and strategic marketing. Here are some tips to help you excel and earn more commission


1. Expand Your Understanding of Mutual Funds

Start reading research papers, industry studies and financial news. Do this regularly.  Attend webinars and workshops to stay informed about industry trends and regulatory developments.

Get mandatory certificates, like those from the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM). These not only increase your expertise but also establish your trustworthiness with clients.


2. Recognize the Needs of Your Clients 

Create thorough profiles of your clients. This will help you learn their investment preferences, risk tolerance and financial goals. Provide specialized investment options that correspond with their unique requirements and investment goals.


3.Establish Robust Connections Through Consistent Communication

Keep in touch with clients regularly by writing and publishing newsletters on a regular basis or having in-person meetings.

Inform them of the current market trends, your outlook,  and the performance of their investments. Be open and honest about costs, risks, and possible rewards.

Staying in touch with your clients can help establish trust is essential for maintaining a long-term clientele. To reach a broader audience, establish a business-focused social media.


4. Provide Services with Value Added

You might not have expertise in handling all the areas of your client’s finances. In that case, you can look at collaborating with other finance professionals such as CAs or lawyers to help your clients take care of their taxation or estate planning etc.


5. Make Use of Referrals

Having a referral-based business model can really help you become a successful mutual fund distributor. 

You might gently nudge your existing satisfied clients to share your name with their friends and family members. Moreover, you can request a few of your clients to share a testimonial on your business page or other social media profiles.


6. Take a Family-Centric Perspective

Instead of looking at onboarding one client at a time, have a plan to onboard one family as a client. A family might include your prospective client’s parents or spouse or any earning member as well.  

To do that, it is important for you also to be in touch with the other family members as well.

This approach will help you to get a complete understanding of family finances.  Also onboarding other family members as new clients will save your time and efforts of finding new clients. 


 7. Evaluate market trends

Make educated recommendations by routinely examining economic indicators and market movements. Examine your competitor’s advantages and disadvantages to see how you may set yourself apart.


8. Ongoing Professional Improvement

Commit to learning. Sign up for advanced classes, attend industry conferences and join professional associations. To gain insights, seek mentorship from seasoned members of the sector.

Follow this advice to  boost your income, build client loyalty, and make you a better mutual fund distributor.



Being a mutual fund distributor offers a chance to earn more. You can help others achieve their financial goals.

With the right education, experience, and commitment, you can succeed in the mutual fund distribution business. This business will deepen your understanding of the financial markets.

It will also let you help clients make wise investment choices. It might be a rewarding career for individuals who are passionate about finance and helping others. Start your journey today!